Summer's almost gone, autumn's coming. Canadian geese will head for south again. I made this very roomy shoulder bag for the coming vocation. My dear husband commented:"very good, so it can hold everything." And I'm not sure if it's a praise or not. :D It took me almost a month to complete this bag. The amount of this fabric was quite tight, I had to plan every cut carefully. Still I made a few small mistakes, but fortunately, all were fixable. A side pocket was added to hold some small things, like a facial tissue holder, keys, a pen or a small coin purse. Hate to admit that this was one of the mistakes I made, the opening for the zipper was 1/2" shorter then I planned. I must measured wrong, so pocket pickers are gonna have a hard time with this one. :P The interfacings used here are : Pellon medium weight fusible interfacing, light weight poly quilting batting which I bought a long time ago and couldn't remember the brand
Sharing my experience and passion for crafts, whether it's learning new techniques, discovering different materials, creating something new, or making mistakes.