Christmas is coming, I'm thinking of some fast small holiday crafts. These Christmas napkin ring took maximally 20 minutes each.
Do you want to do it together with me? Go through your scrapes bin and get some holiday scrapes, let's begin. :)
Materials: 2 rounds with radius=2.5"( 6.3cm), 1 strip 2"X7" , 1 button (fabric covered I prefer)
Finished size: 2" square
1. Draw a circle with radius=2" on the back of 1 round piecs, put 2 rounds right face together, sew along the circle, leave 1" opening.

2.Turn it right-side out, close the opening with hidden stitches.

3. Find the center by folding the round twice, and mark 4 points distributed equally on the circle

4.stitch the 4 marked points to the center

5,turn it like turning down your collar

6. Turn all the corners

7. sew a button in the center

8. fold the strip with right side together along the long side, sew it and make a tube. Turn it right side out, close the opening and make a ring.

9, stitch the fabric origami block to the ring. All done. Is it easy? Hope you like it.