Summer's coming, it's harder and harder to stay inside when it's so beautiful outside. I'm seriously considering setup my "system" outside. Step 4 Fold it, sew along the marked lines. Make sure corner to corner. Fold it like this Repeat on the other side,pin the folded part Step 5 Turn it over to the wrong side Sew small triangles on both sides Turn to the right side, and anchor a few points, repeat on the other side Here's a variation, fold a layer down, and anchor it with a button or a Yoyo Step 6 cut two 18" long cords, Tie the ends together, can also make the tulip buds as showed in the tulip key cozy. Put tea bags inside, pull the cords and tie them up. It's done. :)
Sharing my experience and passion for crafts, whether it's learning new techniques, discovering different materials, creating something new, or making mistakes.